Can I Do Sleep Therapy at Home?

No, not alcohol, which can interfere with sleep.


recommends warm milk, chamomile tea and sour cherry juice for patients with sleep problems. Lavender is used to improve mood, reduce pain, and promote sleep. Taking it by mouth is thought to be more effective. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may be a good treatment option if you have long-term sleep problems or are concerned about the possibility of relying on sleeping pills.

Generally, adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night to function optimally. Exercise can help improve sleep quality, but it is best to stop exercising at least three to four hours before bedtime in order to avoid interfering with sleep. Studies have shown that those who practice both lavender essential oil and sleep hygiene have better sleep quality than those who only practice sleep hygiene. To learn how best to treat insomnia, your sleep specialist may ask you to keep a detailed sleep diary for one to two weeks. People assigned to the lavender essential oil and sleep hygiene group put lavender essential oil patches on their chests before sleeping.

Recent studies have also found that low to moderate tai chi and certain yoga practices can improve sleep quality in older people and cancer patients with sleep problems, respectively. Biofeedback therapy can help you sleep, but it is important to look for someone who is certified and knows what they are doing. Once your doctor has ruled out other medical conditions that may be interfering with your sleep and diagnosed you with insomnia, treatment usually includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), lifestyle changes, and, if necessary, medication. These could include not feeling anxious about sleep problems or practicing better sleep hygiene, such as waking up and going to bed at the same time every day. The behavioral part of CBT helps you develop good sleep habits and avoid behaviors that prevent you from sleeping well. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine evaluated the effectiveness of using lavender essential oil before sleeping and practicing other sleep hygiene strategies, compared to simply practicing these strategies.